I Knew Myself Not Yesterday

By Tracey Irvin

I knew myself not yesterday,
But I know myself today.

I love who I am inside of me,
and there’s a lot I need to say.

I will never let another person,
Bring me to my knees

Because I have chosen to fly,
to find my destiny.

I smile a different smile today,
Than I smiled in the past.

Today it is a heartfealt smile,
One I know will last.

I will no longer have to hide,
From what I want to be.

Because today I don’t wear a disguise,
And the “ME people see is “ME”.


To break the cycle of violence and aid survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking through advocacy, intervention, empowerment and transformation.

Metro currently provides wrap-around services including individual advocacy, information and referrals, group support, medical advocacy, legal advocacy, sheltering, individual support, safety planning, and caregiver support to survivors in eight Louisiana parishes.

These parishes include a spectrum of communities from urban to suburbs to exurbs to rural areas. Metro has the main office complex, the shelter, and six satellite offices. metro also provides a 24/7 Crisis Line for counseling and/or referrals for victims. All services to survivors offered by Metro are free and confidential.

Metro is the only DCFS approved service program for domestic violence in four parishes; Jefferson, St. Charles, St. John and St. James. Metro is one of only two agencies certified by the Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault to provide services to sexual assault victims in 8 parishes. The four mentioned above and Orleans, St. Bernard, St. Tammany, and Plaquemines.


24 Hour Crisis Hotline
