Help make a brighter future for Louisiana through the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence Survivor Stability Fund.
The LCADV Survivor Stability Fund is a dedicated fund to support the economic security of domestic violence survivors in Louisiana. The Fund provides financial resources for domestic violence programs across Louisiana to implement Matched Savings programs for survivors. Metro is participating in the Purple Purse Challenge.
Savings match is a proven asset-building strategy that provides survivors with concrete financial assistance while also encouraging the sound financial practice of long-term savings. In combination with other financial empowerment programming, such as financial education, job readiness, and credit repair, matched savings accounts can play an important role in transitioning survivors from safety to long term security.
The funds raised during the Purple Purse Challenge will go directly to the Survivor Stability Fund – meaning you can rest assured that your donation is going directly to a survivor in need.
You can help survivors and their children overcome financial abuse. The Purple Purse Challenge will launch on Tuesday, October 2nd.